Розвиваємо молодь: експерти Метінвест Діджитал провели лекції з розвитку автоматизованих систем управління для студентів Метінвест Політехніки
Technology and automation of work processes have long been no surprise. Today, Ukraine needs highly qualified specialists who have knowledge and skills in managing digital electronics, designing and programming production automation systems. Students of automation and computer-integrated technologies at Metinvest Polytechnic learn to deeply understand technological processes in the mining and metallurgical complex, develop, modernize and ensure the operation of automated production management systems. Practitioners from Metinvest Digital help them in this.
At the end of March, the first non-state mining and metallurgical university Metinvest Polytechnic held lectures for future masters in automation and computer-integrated technologies. Metinvest Digital experts joined the educational process as lecturers – Volodymyr Ozhenko, director of the ACSTP Expertise Center, and Serhiy Chuprikov, head of the ACSTP systems development department.
For students, experts with many years of experience in the field of digitalization of production held lectures on the topics "Overview of MES (Manufacturing Execution System) solutions" and "Expert systems and mathematical models as part of industrial automation". (Expertise and Math Model Systems as Part of Industrial Automation).
Volodymyr Ozhenko shared his thoughts on this type of training:
• Such open lectures with students allow experts to demonstrate more to them all the intricacies of their chosen profession. Sometimes, such lectures provide an opportunity to motivate students for further study and provide them with explanations of difficult-to-understand concepts. Due to the voiced practical experience, knowledge and practices, which the expert talks about during the lecture, students receive an increase in their qualifications and unique knowledge. Hear information directly from an expert, ask questions that interest students and get practical answers to them – is a great opportunity in education provided by Metinvest Polytechnic.
Students of Metinvest Polytechnic studying under the educational program "Intelligent management systems in mining and metallurgical production" had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of expertise in industrial automation and considered modern automation solutions in the mining and metallurgical complex. Such lectures are the start of interaction between the technical university and leading specialists of the Metinvest Group enterprises, the purpose of which is to acquaint students with the main areas of development of industrial automation systems of various technological processes. Such practice is planned to continue in the future, as it is extremely important that young specialists already from the university have a deeper idea of the possibilities and features of their work in the future, and understand the importance of the integration of various systems.